FOTOGALERIE      Czech  |   English  |  

The Caledonian Club offers the performance and tuition of traditional Scottish country dances in authentic style and traditional dress. The basic formation for a performance consists of eight dancers (four couples). We have no fixed programme as we are flexible and modify each performance to suit the requirements of our customers. A demonstration of Scottish dances can enrich the programme of any of a wide range of events including receptions, balls, promotional events, company gatherings and birthday parties to name but a few. We also offer to teach some of the easier dances which do not require any prior knowledge or experience of Scottish country dancing and are suitable for all age ranges. Upon request, we can also run a course, teaching some of the more difficult dances, after which participants will be able to take an active part in dance events organized by native Scots.

Remuneration for a performance and/or teaching of Scottish dances is subject to mutual agreement.

 Technical requirements for a Scottish dance performance:

  • Dance floor of at least 5m x 6m
  • Sound system including amplification and MP3 player plug-in
  • Changing room for dancers

Fee and Expenses:

The fee depends on the length of the performance and/or tuition. For performances and/or tuition outside Prague we also require our travel expenses to be covered and the cost of accommodation in the event of an overnight stay being necessary.

Please write to us if you would like further information.