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Dance Groups and Bands

Irish dance group
Irish and Scottish dance group
Scottish ceilidh and Scottish country dance music
European and American Country dance (incl. Scottish Country and Highland dance) group from Bratislava, Slovakia.
Irish and Scottish dance group from Krakow, Poland.
Bohemian Pipe Bandhttps://www.facebook.com/skotstidudaci
Scottish bagpipe band in the Czech Republic
C.T.S. Žerthttp://zert.wz.cz
Country dance group performing also all types of Scottish dances.
Budapest Skót Tánc Klubwww.bstk.hu
Scottish Dance Club from Budapest, Hungary.

Other links

Dvorana www.dvorana.cz
International dance workshops incl. Scottish, tours to the Czech republic. 
Whisky&Kilt Clubhttp://kilt12.wix.com/whiskyclub
Club specialised on whisky and also other aspects of Scottish and Irish culture.
Highland gameswww.skotskehry.cz
Czech web site with information about the largest event of its kind in the Czech Republic.
St. Andrew Shoemakerhttp://www.standrews-shoemakers.com
Shoemaker specialising in Scottish dance shoes
Kilt For Youhttp://kiltforyou.eu/
Czech web site offering kilts and scottish accessories
Royal Scottish Country Dance Societyhttp://www.rscds.org
Organisation based in Edinburgh concerned with the preservation and promotion of Scottish country dances.
Celtic Circlehttp://www.celtic-circle.de
Regularly updated overview of Scottish dance events and groups in Continental Europe
Everything about Scottish Country Dancing incl. dance database.
Irish and Scottish dance school, artistic agency, Poland.
Bashthe haggiswww.bashthehaggis.com
Do you hate Scotland, bagpipes, haggis ....? Relax here.....